The Tausug reside in Lupah Sug (Sulu) and even in Northeastern Borneo, including parts of Indonesia and Malaysia. Historically, they were governed under the Sulu Sultanate. Today, the Tausug maintain a strong connection to their heritage, including the tradition of Pagtammat, using Maligay as an example of a valued cultural practice in rural communities in Sulu, Philippines. Maligay Pagtammat symbolizes the completion of Quranic studies by children, reflecting a strong attachment to traditional learning methods and the importance of Islamic education. It is largely unknown outside the Tausug community, particularly in Luzon and Visayas, due to limited available literature. Hence, this study explores Maligay Pagtammat among Tausug families in the municipalities of Parang, Panglima Estino, and Panamao in Sulu. Through participant observation and interviews with eight participants, all residents of the three localities with first-hand experience of the practice, descriptive thematic analysis of the data revealed the cultural significance, educational practices, and community values linked to Maligay Pagtammat among Tausug families. Despite challenges such as poverty and pastoral lifestyles, parents value Islamic education and express appreciation through this tradition. The ceremony involves extensive preparations, a procession, epic narratives, and a communal meal. Findings highlight the cultural and educational practices of Tausug families in rural Sulu, showcasing their resilience in preserving traditions amidst modernization. This study contributes to understanding Tausug identity and community cohesion through cultural practices.
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