Cultural Motifs in Blaan Flalok: Revitalization of Oral Lore for Preservation, Development, and Sustainability


cultural motifs
oral lore
the Philippines

How to Cite

Trocio, J. V., Campos, E., & Yu, A. L. (2023). Cultural Motifs in Blaan Flalok: Revitalization of Oral Lore for Preservation, Development, and Sustainability. Southeastern Philippines Journal of Research and Development, 28(2), 13-25.


This study analyzes the culture of the Blaan indigenous peoples (IPs) in General Santos, Sarangani, and South Cotabato, Philippines, as reflected in their flalok (oral lore). Utilizing qualitative-descriptive methods, it discusses patterns of traditional beliefs in myths, legends, and folktales as retold by Blaan ancestors. Thompson’s Motif-Index Theory was used to codify recurring concepts in selected Blaan folk narratives. Frequent Blaan cultural motifs in the flalok include familial relationships, domestic work, tribal war, competitions, animal trapping, and agricultural farming. The research contributes to the continuous enrichment of Philippine Studies and delineates Mindanao Studies as a significant aspect of that work. It provides a reference for cultural workers, researchers, and academics to understand how the lives and works of Mindanaoan Tri-people (IPs, Bangsamoro, and Christian settlers) sustain broader Filipino cultural perspectives. Specifically, it provides more inclusive starting points for enduring cultural motifs to be part of the broader cultural appreciation reflected in Philippine theater, film, creative writing, dance, music, and other arts.


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