SPJRD Talks ventures into Cultural Studies in its third session

The USeP Publication Unit reconvened the researchers, reviewers, staff, and students for the SPJRD Talks 2022: Third Session on Cultural Studies via Zoom on September 9, 2022.

The Southeastern Philippines Journal of Research and Development, or SPJRD, is a forum disseminating novel studies relevant to the development needs of Mindanao and the ASEAN region, hosted by the USeP Publication Unit.

The Talks commenced with “Cultural Studies and Its Theoretical Tools: Suggestions for Doing ‘Really Useful’ Research”, presented by Dr. Sue Shore, a professor from the College of Indigenous Futures Education and Arts at Charles Darwin University, Australia.

Notably, Dr. Shore is also one of the international advisers of SPJRD in the Education area, reviewing research articles to publish for the university.

Moreover, the session stretched to the discourse on Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Practices (IKSP) on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management of Selected IP Groups in the Davao Region. The IKSP discussions begin with the “ISKP on Disaster Preparedness of Manobo in Davao Occidental, Philippines,” delivered by Mr. Francis Reginio, the Deputy Director of the USeP Office of the Project Development and Linkages.

On the other hand, Mr. Virgel Torremocha, the Chair of the USeP  Language and Literature Department, continued to discuss his study, “ISKP on Disaster Preparedness of Sama in Island Garden City of Samal, Philippines”.

The participating delegates in the online forum come from various institutions. Most students are from the College of Arts of Sciences and College of Development Management of the University of Southeastern Philippines. While other institutions come from the Davao Region, such as Davao de Oro State College and Davao del Norte State College, there were attendees also from Western Mindanao State University and Negros Oriental State University, to mention a few.

In the end, the Resource Persons indulged in the students’ interests by addressing their questions about their Cultural Studies during the Open Forum, where the engagement took place the most throughout the session.
