SPJRD source details are now searchable in Scopus

The Publication Unit is thrilled to announce a significant development for the official University research journal, the Southeastern Philippines Journal of Research and Development (SPJRD). As of today, the source details of SPJRD are now fully searchable on the prestigious Scopus database!

Since September 2023, SPJRD has been indexed in Scopus, a leading abstract and citation database. With increased discoverability, researchers worldwide can easily locate SPJRD articles in Scopus through Journal Title or ISSN search on the sources for publications from 2021 to 2024 that are currently being covered by Scopus. This opens doors to a wider readership and potentially increased citations for the valuable multidisciplinary research contributions of the journal.

This milestone reflects SPJRD's commitment to scholarly excellence and its dedication to disseminating USEP's published research on a global scale. 

Click the link below to view the source: https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/21101183723.

#SPJRD #Scopus #USePCARES #WeBuildDreamsWithoutLimits
